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Jul 9, 2019

And So It Goes

If "Conservatives" would stop acting like a buncha whiny-butt pussies, I'd stop calling them a buncha whiny-butt pussies.

I've called them Rubes for a while now too - which they are, because they continue to demonstrate they are.

See how that works?

Now, I'm not saying I have some kind of perfect record when it comes to bravely confronting things in life. 

To this day, I can't listen to Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells (The Exorcist) without having nightmares. And I'm a fucking atheist.

There was also the time I believed that my wife of 28 years (now ex-wife) wasn't taking horizontal mambo lessons from an old high school "acquaintance" on a regular basis.

So I can be a chicken - and a dumbass mired in denial too.

But for the most part, when I'm looking at all this political stuff, I can pick my way through the available data and synthesize a reasonable hypothesis that I can test, to see if it holds up.

There are things you just have to know are bullshit. And it's not something where you have to have a knack for it, or an innate ability to see the truth through an unfiltered mind's eye.

You just have to test it. Question it. Sort it out.

And really, it helps to be possessed of that tiny modicum of common sense that "conservatives" are always bitchin' about how nobody else has.


The Washington Examiner:

Russian intelligence agents spread a false report claiming assassins working for Hillary Clinton killed Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich just days after his murder, according to a new investigation.

The SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service, spread a fake intelligence report about Rich on July 13, 2016, three days after he was killed walking home, a federal prosecutor told Yahoo News.

The Russians claimed Rich, a 27-year-old working as a data director for the DNC, was going to alert the FBI to corrupt dealings by Clinton when he was murdered by assassins. Those details then appeared on whatdoesitmean.com, an obscure website that promotes Russian propaganda.

In the next two years, media organizations owned by the Russian government emphasized stories falsely alleging Rich leaked Democratic Party emails to WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange also made false statements about Rich’s death to obscure that the hacked emails came from Russia, special counsel Robert Mueller alleged in his redacted report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll factory that engaged in social media influence operations during the election, aggressively circulated the conspiracy theories, helping to keep the false claims alive.

The conspiracy was also spread by allies of President Trump.

The Examiner isn't what any sentient being would consider "lefty":

And "conservatives" are suckers. They're whiny-butt pussies and rubes and suckers.

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