Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, September 28, 2019


We're always wondering, and always hearing the question, "How did we get there?"

How did we go from No Drama Obama to a gameshow host who pimps the crazy stoopid high-school-fuck-around drama all day every day?

Driftglass explains: The rubes were so well-conditioned by a constant refrain of "Obama's a lawless tyrant who does whatever he wants and gets away it...", that they became perfectly willing to accept the actual tyranny of a GOP led by Trump because it was time for some payback and now it's my guy doing the tyrannizing and all those rotten migrant-loving baby-killing libtard gun-grabbers are gonna get it now and blah blah blah.

They don't worry about looking like fools when they stand up and rant for 10 minutes about complete bullshit with absolutely no facts to back them up - because their target audience loves it no matter what.

Listen to some of the smartest commentary anywhere:

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