Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Seems A Little Odd

When you try to talk certain people out of their commitment to some conspiracy theory or another, the main thing to remember is that the conspiracy falls apart as soon as one of the conspirators spills the beans - or just slips up and reveals some bit of the secret that leads the whole thing to unravel. It's always somebody on the inside. It's never some random nerd who's spent way too many sleepless nights deep diving on the internet and thinks he's sussed it all out because he buys into some other random nerd's deep dive bullshit.

One ex-Air Force guy blabs and we all suddenly know there are aliens on ice in a secret locker deep underground in New Mexico - or something something weird shit something.

So if Climate Change (eg) is a conspiracy, then tens of thousands of scientists and researchers and all of the additional thousands of support people must be extraordinarily disciplined etc etc etc.

If there really is the kind of expansive "deep state" conspiracy that the QAnon dopes are convinced there is, then it would've been revealed by now - and not in the way they think it's manifesting itself now in the takedown of their beloved Cult45 idol.

Anyway, I'm going to try to land this fuckin' plane by saying this:

The Trump administration is a criminal conspiracy, and we're seeing some of it being acted out by the conspirators in real time and in public. We're also seeing the giveaway - the whistleblowers - some of the people inside the administration - who can't stand being in with the bad guys, so they spill the beans.

Watching this happen, why is there anyone left who still insists on being hung up on JFK and 9/11 and Marilyn Monroe and Apollo 11 and and and?

Seeing 45* commit felonies out in the open, how is anyone still not convinced that he's crooked, and that his crookedness is not the figment of anybody's imagination?

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