Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Divided America

...that isn't really.
  1. Legalize weed
  2. Corruption in politics
  3. Family leave
  4. Predatory lending
  5. Red Flag gun laws
  6. Ending wars
  7. Regulating Pharma
  8. Keep abortion legal

Weirdly, the constant pimping of Both Sides is a manifestation of the Divide-n-Conquer approach of the would-be plutocrats.

They throw the contradiction shit at us all the time, and it's no wonder we're all a little - or a lot - confused.

"You citizens are divided. You can't agree on anything because your politicians are all alike and they agree on everything."

What seems even weirder (but isn't) is that there's a grain of truth in that. Which is what good little propagandists can do.

If people are at the point where they start to get hip to your tricks, you don't just stop trying to trick them - your paycheck depends on keeping your benefactors in power, so you fucking well better come up with some better tricks.

And the best tricks have to be aimed at people who're suspicious that you've been tricking them, so you can get another shot at convincing them it wasn't you at all, but those other guys, or that they're not being as smart and sophisticated as they should be, or whatever.

Or (and this has been the basic pitch for quite a while)  "Hey, that's how the game is played - they all do it - you're too nice a person to get mixed up in such a dirty thing - you should just stay out of it... ... ..."

In case you're tempted to fall back into it, just remember that the GOP are the ones who want to:
  • Eliminate your healthcare coverage and protections for pre-existing conditions
  • Make cuts in Medicare and Social Security
  • Privatize public schools and make education the exclusive province of a ruling class
  • Criminalize abortion
  • Bomb Iran
  • Block climate change action
  • Continue stripping away EPA regulations
  • and
  • and
  • and

Everything that benefits us - everything that empowers people to do more than subsist, suffer and then die - all of it is supported by the Dems and opposed by the GOP.

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