Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Today's Hair-On-Fire Moment

It's been going around for a while now. And as always, it's a good idea to take it all with a grain of salt.

That said, one of the main goals of the Daddy State is to get us thinking there's nothing that can be trusted to be truly true and really real.

A little critical thinking is in order at all times.

And remembering the basic techniques is a good place to start - as well as this relatively new shit coming from Cult45.

It's not about persuasion - it's about power.

I tell an obvious lie.
While you're engaging it...
...I'm off to my next lie.

And the power thing - that can explain a lot about why the rubes stay with 45* no matter what. He has the power, and they get to feel powerful by proxy - without having to invest time or effort at gaining or applying any actual knowledge.

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