Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Quick Note

We're still getting an awful lot of purity shit from (largely) the Bernie maniacs because "we just can't go on voting against the GOP - we have to have someone we can vote for..."

Hard to argue with it, especially when there seems to be a pretty good case behind it.

But if it's not to be, then it's not to be, and I'm going to stay with the basics: When presented a candidate whom I identify as the lesser of two evils, I'm going to take the opportunity to vote for that lesser of two evils because I know "the other side" will jump at the chance to vote for the greater of the two evils.

Because my preference is for - and will always be for - less evil.

I'll continue to be frustrated and I'll go on bitchin' about it, but I feel I have a duty to resist the best I can, and that resistance manifests itself in voting for a Joe Biden because he's what I've got.

And also too - Frederick Douglass once referred to Abe Lincoln as a "craven, capitulating compromiser...".

Douglass would break with the Abolitionist Party in 1860 to support the Republican nominee because he knew an ally when he saw one, and he thought Lincoln had a real chance to win.

As she was packing to leave Washington in the spring of 1965, Mary Todd came across her husband's favorite walking stick, and told her dressmaker to make a gift of it for Mr Douglass - because she was sure Mr Lincoln would want a truly great friend to have it, and she couldn't think of anyone who would appreciate it more.

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