#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C 4YRS117DAYS13:54:54 LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables14.774852949%Ambitious climate action could boost global 2040 GDP by 0.2% | Tanzania’s marine reserves offer long-term benefits to communities | Paris residents vote in favor of making 500 more streets pedestrian | Use of pesticides on UK farms to be cut by 10% by 2030 to protect bees | New forest to be created in England, with 20m trees planted by 2050 | Affordable e-bikes are transforming delivery work for Latin American migrants | California & Sonora sign agreement to boost clean energy & climate collaboration | UK to invest $260 million on solar panels for schools and hospitals | Green power to give 570 million energy access in Africa | UN hails rare success story as emissions from construction stop rising | Ambitious climate action could boost global 2040 GDP by 0.2% | Tanzania’s marine reserves offer long-term benefits to communities | Paris residents vote in favor of making 500 more streets pedestrian | Use of pesticides on UK farms to be cut by 10% by 2030 to protect bees | New forest to be created in England, with 20m trees planted by 2050 | Affordable e-bikes are transforming delivery work for Latin American migrants | California & Sonora sign agreement to boost clean energy & climate collaboration | UK to invest $260 million on solar panels for schools and hospitals | Green power to give 570 million energy access in Africa | UN hails rare success story as emissions from construction stop rising |

Apr 6, 2020

Honor The Warriors

Someone finally got around to it.

There will be a goodly number of memorial-worthy people before we're done, but none have shown their strength of commitment - and honor - more than the people who step up, risking their own lives to help strangers, when they could just as easily follow the example of a fucked up "leader" and try to duck their responsibilities.


Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center.

As front-line healthcare workers care for patients with COVID-19, they commit themselves to difficult, draining work and also put themselves at risk of infection. Hundreds throughout the world have died. Medscape wants to make sure they are not forgotten, and we will update this list as — sadly — needed.

Medscape needs your help to ensure this list is complete. Please submit names with an age, profession or specialty, and location through this form.

Isaac Abadi, MD, 90, Founder, Professor of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Hospital Universitario de Caracas, Miami, Florida

Musa Fath Abadi, age unknown, Emergency Medicine Specialist, Tehran, Iran

Abdullah Abbasi, age unknown, Infectious Disease Specialist, Gorgan, Iran

Luigi Ablondi, 66, Epidemiologist, Former General Manager of the Crema Hospital, Cremona, Italy

Tahmineh Adibi, age unknown, Nurse, Bandar-e Anzali, Iran

Abdel Sattar Airoud, 74, General Practitioner, Piacenza, Italy

Vincenza Amato, 65, Medical Director Responsible UOS Hygiene Public Health of the Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention, Bergamo, Italy

Afshar Amiri, age unknown, Psychiatrist, Tehran, Iran

Abdulshakur Hazhir Amiri, age unknown, Pharmacist, Rasht, Iran

Larrice Anderson, 46, Nurse, New Orleans East Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana

Hassan Arbab, age unknown, Hospital Staff, Mashhad, Iran

Malik Ashtar, 50, Nursing Staff, Gilgit, Pakistan

Gaetano Autore, 68, General Practitioner, Naples, Italy

Madhvi Aya, 61, Physician Assistant, Emergency Medicine, Woodhull Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Saeid Azizi, age unknown, Ophthalmologist, Zabol, Iran

Ramin Azizifar, age unknown, Nurse, Tehran, Iran

Samad Babazadeh, age unknown, General Practitioner, Babol, Iran

Israel Bactol, 34, Cardiologist, Philippine Heart Center, Metro Manila, Philippines

Domenico Bardelli, 75, Dentist, Lodi, Italy

Manuel Barragan, 63, General Practitioner, Cordoba, Spain

Kamran Bayat, age unknown, Surgical Technician, Tehran, Iran

Nilufar Esmail Beigi, age unknown, General Practitioner, Tehran, Iran

Anusheh Beikian, age unknown, Obstetrician, Rasht, Iran

Diego Bianco, 47, Paramedic, Lombardy, Italy

Jean-Marie Boegle, 66, OB-GYN, Mulhouse, France

Massimo Borghese, 63, Specialist in Otolaryngology and Phoniatrics, Naples, Italy

Giuseppe Borghi, 64, General Practitioner, Lodi, Italy

Araceli Buendia Ilagan, 63, ICU Nurse, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida

Antonio Buonomo, 65, Medical Examiner, Naples, Italy

Antonino Buttafuoco, 66, General Practitioner, Bergamo, Italy

It goes on for 5 pages.

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