Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, May 18, 2020

COVID-19 Update

I get a sense of a long drawn out slog that's probably going to be the way things are for a while.

The overall trend for COVID-19 right now is downward, but that's really only because we've done a fair job of isolating - cutting down on some of the pathways that help the virus spread.

The biggest problem now is that too many people are reacting to a little bit of "good news", and taking it as "we've got this thing beat - let's party".

That bit of "good news' is the fact that we "only have" 800 or 900 dead Americans every day instead of 2500.

This is not a great big WHOOPEE - this is a tiny little Yay.

People are understandably eager to get back to work and to doing all the fun stuff, but we're missing a really important part of it. The clinicians have learned a lot about how to fight the disease, but what they've gotten good at is managing the symptoms. There are no therapeutics - no curatives - and no vaccines. Not yet.

They don't even know the full extent of what the virus does to us once it gets hold of us.

So if we get complacent about this thing, and we charge around insisting that it's over and we can all just go back to the way it was 5 or 6 months ago, we're in for some very rude surprises.

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