Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


  • The president didn't hear the guy yell "White power"
  • The president didn't know about Tulsa or Juneteenth
  • The president didn't know how complicated healthcare was
  • The president didn't know Finland wasn't part of Russia
  • The president didn't know you can't nuke a hurricane
  • The president didn't know the UK was a nuclear power
  • The president didn't know about the Russian bounties
If we substitute "a regular guy" for "the president", then we're not talking about anything of great import.

But we're not talking about a regular guy. We're talking about POTUS. 

Ignorance is not an excuse - it's an indictment

The White House appears to be homing in on a defense of last resort for President Trump when it comes to the Russia bounties controversy: He doesn’t read.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday claimed Trump hadn’t been briefed on the intelligence that Russia placed bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan. But when pressed on whether the intel appeared in Trump’s written President’s Daily Brief, or PDB, she declined to directly respond.

There appears to be a reason for that. The Washington Post and others have confirmed that the information has indeed appeared in the PDB. The Post reports that two sources say “the intelligence was considered significant and credible enough that it was included in the President’s Daily Brief.” The New York Times is also reporting that information appeared in the PDB in late February. The Associated Press reported that it appeared in the PDB as far back as early 2019. And GOP lawmakers who were briefed Monday at the White House also appeared to grant that the info was probably in the PDB. “I believe it may have been,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.) told NBC News.

The first thing to note here is the semantic game the White House appears to be playing. They’re suggesting that the President’s Daily Brief document doesn’t itself constitute a “briefing” — despite having “brief” in its name — but that a briefing must be done orally.

Of course, that's not how it works. You can get as pedantic as you want with the word "briefing", but the point here is that we've got a big fuckin' problem because the "president" doesn't know anything.

Let's be clear. This is a guy who knows right from wrong. He knows when he's lying. He knows when he's doing a shitty thing. It just doesn't matter to him. He'll do &/or say whatever he thinks will accrue to his benefit.

He doesn't even care that everybody knows he's lying and that his lies are now getting us killed. His whole thing for his whole life has been all about keeping his name in the news - there's no such thing as bad publicity. And that's continued to be his whole thing for his whole term as POTUS.

"Russian interference? Doesn't matter - I'm the one they're all talking about."
"Pandemic? Doesn't matter - my name is mentioned most in every news story."
"Bounties on American troops? Yeah, too bad - guess whose name they're all screaming."

The guy's gotta go. We've taken some considerable damage points so far, but the probability that America survives as a decent place to live goes in the shitter completely if we "elect" 45* again.

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