Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, November 08, 2020

That 3rd Party Thing

Still waiting for a discussion on this one.

Trump lost in 4 critically close states by a total of 95,568 votes.
In those 4 states, Jorgensen got a total of 227,162 votes.

These's been no conversation that I've heard regarding how this little phenomenon materialized, and that surprises me a bit.

We have gotten a good bit of noise about how The Lincoln Project collected a shitload of money - enough to ensure their entry into the Big Media fray now that the dust is settling - while moving zero votes from Trump to Biden.

Maybe we're overlooking a successful attempt at moving "traditional" voters (ie: US Military) from Trump to Jorgensen, while ensuring a very important core group of voters stay away from those nasty mean libruls (?)

This would fit in with the slicing-n-dicing that's become a real hallmark of political marketing.

It's a slight variation on The Wheeler Dealers, where you just keep nudging 49% to one side, and 49% to the other side, while gaining some control over the 2% that will ultimately make the difference in who wins the big prize.

I love it and I hate it all at the same time.

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