Jan 9, 2021


First tho: The Death Of Irony, Part

Woman trampled in Capitol riots had 'don't tread on me' flag

A woman trampled to death during the riot at the US Capitol had been carrying a flag reading: "Don't tread on me".

Rosanne Boyland, 34, was killed in the crush when a few rioters started pushing people, her friend Justin Winchell said.

"They basically created a panic, and the police, in turn, push back on them, so people started falling," Mr Winchell said.

"I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking (on top of her).

"There were people stacked two-three deep…people just crushed."

Paramedics desperately tried to revive her but were unable to.

Another "patriot" martyred to the cause.

Driftglass has dubbed the shit that went down on Jan 6 "The Incel Insurrection."

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