Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Today's Nerds

On July 20, 1969, I made it home just in time to see Armstrong step onto the surface of the moon - we watched it on NBC, on our brand new RCA color TV.

Not quite a week ago, a brand new generation of Super Nerds at NASA showed us how they do it nowadays, after flying a rocket 132 million miles to a planet rotating at 500 miles per hour - and they landed that sucker on a dime - as planned. Stuck the fuckin' landing. Again.

Tango Delta, motherfucker.

I'm thinkin' these folks know what the fuck they're about, so I'm gonna go ahead and trust 'em on that Climate Science stuff too.


  1. I was nine when you guys landed on the moon!I was gobsmacked! I was even more impressed with the Perseverance landing on Mars the other day. Way to go.

    What with Japan landing asteroids and returning WITH samples just boggles the mind when we let scientists do their thing:)

  2. Correct - when we let them.
