Mar 6, 2021

COVID-19 Update

New Cases:   447,204 (⬆︎ .38%)
New Deaths:      9,774 (⬆︎ .38%)

New Cases:   67,281 (⬆︎ .23%)
New Deaths:    1,794 (⬆︎ .34%)

Vaccination Scorecard
Total Vaccinations:          55.5 million
Total Priority Population: 45.6%
Total Population:             16.7%

As tempting as it is to go all Both Sides on the US Senate because there are some Democrats behaving asshole-ish-ly, I'm reminded that we're kinda on the verge of getting some pretty good shit outa this congress.

Also, I'll continue to push Schumer and the other "moderates" because they have to catch up with the rest of the country in understanding that USAmerica Inc ain't doin' so hot, and so an awful lot of us worked our asses off to deliver that Senate majority, and goddamned if we aren't due some payoff.

And the seeming cluster fuck buzzing around Minimum Wage begins to look more like a family squabble - the parliamentarian said no to the possibility of including that issue in the Reconciliation process, so Bernie tried to get it added back in with a side door amendment, and the caucus basically told Bernie to fuck off.

Anyway, muddling thru and stumbling forward...

WaPo: (pay wall)

What’s in the Senate’s $1.9 trillion covid bill: Checks, unemployment insurance and more

The Senate’s version is slightly different from the House bill approved on Saturday. And some key provisions were still in flux into Friday night.

The Senate kicked off a marathon session Friday as Democrats forged ahead on passing President Biden’s $1.9 trillion covid package, even as Republicans vied to slow down the process.

The Senate’s version is slightly different from the House bill approved on Saturday. Some key provisions were still in flux Friday night as lawmakers tried to shore up support from more moderate Democrats wary of overspending or directing money away from the most needy parts of the economy. With encouraging news about the vaccine rollout, and signs that the economic recovery is picking back up, some policymakers and Democrats are argued that the original framework for Biden’s sprawling bill isn’t best-suited for this moment.

Democrats are pledging to get the bill on Biden’s desk before mid-March, when unemployment benefits expire for millions of Americans. Even if no Republicans vote for the package, Vice President Harris can cast the tiebreaking vote in the 50-50 Senate, making the American Rescue Plan Biden’s first major legislative victory since taking office.

Here’s a rundown of the Senate bill:

Major buckets

Unemployment benefits:
  • On Friday night, Senate Democratic leaders reached an agreement over unemployment benefits with moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). The nine-hour stand-off threatened to derail Senate action on the bill.
  • The agreement would extend the existing $300 weekly unemployment benefit through Sept. 6, as well as provide tax relief on benefits for households making under $150,000.
  • The House legislation increases the weekly benefit from $300 to $400 per week through Aug. 29.
  • The $900 billion stimulus package passed in December provided the unemployed an extra $300 per week in benefits. That program expires in mid-March.
  • Stimulus checks:
  • The Senate bill would send $1,400 stimulus checks on top of the $600 payments issued through the stimulus bill passed in December. Roughly $400 billion of the package would go toward another round of checks.
  • Earlier this week, Biden agreed to narrow eligibility for a new round of $1,400 payments to appease more moderate Democrats. Under the new structure, the checks would phase out faster for those at higher income levels compared with the formula in Biden’s initial proposal and the House bill.
  • In the Senate version, individuals earning $75,000 per year and couples earning $150,000 would still receive the full $1,400-per-person benefit. However, the benefit would disappear for individuals earning more than $80,000 annually and couples earning more than $160,000.
  • For example, that means singles making between $80,000 and $100,000 and couples earning between $160,000 and $200,000 would be newly excluded from seeing any benefit under the revised structure.
Minimum wage:
  • An amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to increase the minimum wage to $15 was not on track to win over enough Democratic support.
  • In a statement Friday, Sanders said “If any Senator believes this is the last time they will cast a vote on whether or not to give a raise to 32 million Americans, they are sorely mistaken. We’re going to keep bringing it up, and we’re going to get it done because it is what the American people demand and need.”
  • Last month, the Senate parliamentarian ruled that the minimum wage hike was not permissible within the rules of budget reconciliation, the procedure Democrats are using to pass the relief bill with a simple majority instead of the 60 votes normally required.
  • The House bill included the minimum raise increase from $7.25 to $15.
  • Aid to state and local governments:
  • The Senate package designates $350 billion for states, cities, tribal governments and U.S. territories.
  • Local government funding emerged as one of the top flash points in stimulus negotiations. Moderate Senate Democrats have pushed to redirect some of those funds to invest in infrastructure and to expand the broadband network. Others on the left have grown concerned that some states would use federal aid to cut local taxes instead of spending money on covid relief.
  • Facing deep budget shortfalls, state and local governments have shed 1.3 million jobs since the pandemic began last year — a loss of more than 1 in 20 government jobs, according to a Washington Post analysis of government data. While tax revenue grew in some states last year, the majority — at least 26 states — were hit with declines.
Pandemic Response
  • Tens of billions of dollars will fund coronavirus testing and contact tracing; increasing the size of the public health workforce and funding vaccine distribution and supply chains.
  • This week, Biden said there will be enough coronavirus vaccine doses for “every adult in America” by the end of May — a two-month acceleration of his previous projection of July.
  • See other breakdowns similar to the House version, including $130 billion for schools, here.
New provisions
  • The Senate bill provides $510 million for the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program. That money would support homeless services providers for overnight shelter, meals, one month’s rent and mortgage assistance and one month’s utility payments.
  • The Senate version expands the Employee Retention Tax Credit for start-up companies and other businesses hit by the pandemic
  • The bill also increases the value of the federal COBRA health insurance program from 85 percent to 100 percent
  • The bill adds a $10 billion infrastructure program to help local governments continue crucial capital projects.
  • The bill makes all coronavirus-related student loan relief tax-free.
  • The bill increases the total amount of Amtrak relief funding by $200 million.
  • For education funding, the bill sets aside $1.25 billion for summer enrichment; $1.25 billion for after-school programs and $3 billion for education technology
  • The Senate bill also adds $8.5 billion in funds for the Provider Relief Program to assist rural health care providers.

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