Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Assume The Worst

David Pakman (from back in May)

For this discussion, "infrastructure" is the stuff that facilitates commerce - roads and bridges and other lines of communication - the stuff we use to move stuff around.

But also, it's the stuff that helps people find work, get to where the work is, and do the work. 

Things like childcare and elder care and broadband and renewable power and public transit and the variety of people development items (schools, VoTech training, grants and financing etc) - all of it helps people find a job, (or make their own job), go to the job, and do the job.

It's easy to think we have a Republican party that just can't extricate itself from a fantasy 1950s mindset, and refuses to stop lying to its voters about everything.

But I don't think that's it - not all of it anyway. It's not like the "party of business" suddenly doesn't know anything about economics - they do know - so what exactly is their game?

We don't do ourselves any favors by insisting they're all stupid. We're better off assuming they have a plan and that they're executing on it.

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