Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, September 10, 2021

Just A Thought

It's pretty likely that the GOP's apparent big push to toss Roe v Wade in the shitter is actually what some "conservatives" have been angling for these last 50 years (Occam's Razor, dontcha know).

But the "smart guys" in politics know that they need the issue a lot more than they need the "policy success". They've worked the issue to great effect, keeping the rubes distracted form their real agenda (IMO: pushing for a top-down authoritarian plutocracy).

So if they succeed in overturning Roe, then they lose that issue (that distraction), which means they lose the donations and the support and the motivation to turn out the vote, and that means they lose even more elections than they've been doing the last few cycles.

It also means an awful lot of consultants, and ad buyers, and polling pimps, and foundation runners lose whole big bunches of particularly lucrative business.

They'd keep some of it in place, of course, because they just turn it around a bit and make the pitch about maintaining control over those slutty Democrat women and blah blah blah.

Here's a weird wrinkle that keeps popping into my fevered little brain though:

I think it's possible that the old guard GOP - the guys we used to call "moderate" - the guys I used to be able to vote for - guys like Nelson Rockefeller and John Lindsey and Bill Weld and Poppy Bush. Having been ignored during the aftermath and supposed introspection following Romney getting crushed in 2012, and then getting completely wiped out by the Trump steamroller, those guys have to be gnashing their teeth and rending their garments at a level that makes Mad Dog Vachon look like the very soul of serenity.

So maybe those smart guys aren't resisting - maybe they're actually egging on - the push for this horseshit abortion thing in an attempt to lash the bible-thumpers to the issue and throw the whole thing overboard - which obviously cuts the GOP down to a much smaller slice of the electorate, but ends up being worth it if they can finally shed themselves of the crazies who are scaring off most of the voters in the big squishy middle - the ones who decide elections.

We could be seeing the demolition of the GOP in preparation for a bigly serious rebuilding effort.

We can hope anyway.

Like I said - just a thought.

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