Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Roe v Wade

SCOTUS takes a nap - and goes 100% chickenshit by refusing to review the petition for an emergency stay.

So they disguise their bullshit activism, by actively deciding not to take an active roll in protecting a woman's right to make her own decisions about her own body.

BullChickenshit and passive aggressive is all that is.

Unprecedented Texas abortion ban goes into effect

A law that bans abortions after six weeks, including in cases of rape and incest, went into effect in Texas on Wednesday.

Why it matters:
The law, one the most restrictive abortion bans in the U.S., prohibits the practice after a fetal heartbeat is detected — before many people know they are pregnant.

It also incentivizes individuals to sue anyone suspected of helping a woman obtain an abortion — and awards at least $10,000 to people who do so successfully.

Driving the news:
The American Civil Rights Union and several abortion rights groups this week asked the Supreme Court to temporarily block the ban. But the court did not act by the 1 a.m. ET deadline for the law to take effect.
Individuals representing those defending the law on Tuesday filed a brief urging the court to not intervene.
"A decision allowing the Texas law to take effect could signal that the high court is poised to topple precedents that now protect abortion rights until much later in pregnancy," Bloomberg notes.

Of note:
The Texas Legislature on Monday tentatively approved Senate Bill 4, which would limit patients who are more than seven weeks pregnant from accessing abortion pills, per the Texas Tribune.
Pills are currently allowed to be given to patients up to 10 weeks pregnant.
The bill also bans abortion-inducing pills from being mailed in Texas.

🎧 Listen: One reverend’s fight against a Texas abortion ban.

eggs ain't chickens
caterpillars ain't butterflies
And you got nuthin' to say
about nuthin' goin' on in my daughter's uterus
so fuck the fuck off, you fucking fuck

And to be clear, let's remember that "abortion bans" don't ban abortions - not for the country club set, or for anyone else who has the price of a plane ticket and the privilege of taking a coupla days off.

All this shit does is make abortion dangerous again.

This is what class warfare actually looks like.


  1. I see abortion rights in absolutist terms.

    It has to be a decision made by one person. The only person both capable of making the choice, the one most aware of the nuances and contradictions within any choice, and coincidentally having the greatest burden if that choice is made poorly, is the pregnant woman. Everyone else is disqualified simply because they can't fully understand the choice, or they have little or no mental, physical, emotional, or financial skin in the game. It is only the woman that has continuity of full and unavoidable responsibility before, during and after pregnancy.

    I'm sick of people who barely know the woman sticking their head into the most personal and private of situations, pontificating and moralizing in broad platitudes, and then retreating to the safety of their un-involved lives. They treat this like a spectator sport. They heckle and deride the person most involved and don't hesitate to criticize and condemn. Abortion or not, for better or worse, all of them go home and sleep in their beds completely unburdened by consequences.

    IMHO it all comes down to the woman. If she wants counseling so she can explore the options that is fine. If she wants to talk to her doctor, that's probably wise. I'm less sure about the professional myth-builder and moralizer class but if she wants to consult a preacher ... okay ... it is allowed. But none of those can make the call. It has to be her choice. Always and completely.

    I had to settle for "anonymous" because "URL must contain a host name" when presented with my quite real and current e-mail address. Bummer.

  2. Sorry for the hangup - thanks for the visit. And I concur.
