Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What's Goin' On

Millennials are our children. If they're turning out to be less than the perfect people we think they should be, then we have to look at ourselves first and stop blaming everything "on the schools" or "participation trophies" or "excessive self-esteem" or whatever bullshit we keep hearing from any side of the political fence. We made this world what it is, and we need to stop expecting our kids to react to it in a way that doesn't fit the facts they're confronted with out there in that world - like right fucking now we need to stop.

Sure, some of them are spoiled, over-privileged little shit bags. So name me a time when that wasn't the case for some people. Go ahead - I'll wait.

Here's the point: We've tried "helping them" by taking a giant dump on their heads at every opportunity. 

And when they don't respond well, we clutch our pearls and wonder where everybody else went wrong.

Let's trying helping them by helping them.

And we can start by listening to them.

Cody Johnston - Some More News:
(it's almost an hour long, which is pretty impressive all by itself)

if you think people should suffer,
cuz you suffered and you turned out OK,
then you didn't turn out OK

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