Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

COVID-19 Update

For a day in the middle of the week, the number of New Cases (USA) is a "reasonable" 23,000.

New Deaths for the day, however, is north of 1,200.

7-Day Averages are still dropping.

But there are hot spots, and I don't know what to make of that - and it's not just "those other countries". It seems to be a little rough in Northern Europe for New Cases, though the New Deaths aren't out of line.

Top 15 Countries

I just don't know, and with all the oxygen being soaked up by the war in Ukraine, there's not a lot of new information that's easy to come by.

Don't drop your guard.


  1. We live in a hot spot in northern Maine. And we know why...antivax bullshit. Hospitals are still stressed, medical providers still being abused, less folks dying though, from among the vaxxed. Also, long waits for non-covid care. Sort've "death panely" you know.

    1. Fingers crossed, Rock. Look out for yourself.
