Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Dead American Kids In Texas

Brian Tyler Cohen

Beto O'Rourke interrupts the latest Thoughts-n-Prayers circle jerk in Texas.

When you say, "This latest horrific thing came out of the blue, and holy cow whooda thunk it!?!" - when you know this horrific thing that happened today is pretty much exactly the same as the horrific thing that happened yesterday, and the horrific thing that happened the day before that - and you know there's a very high probability that the horrific is going to happen again tomorrow, and the day after that, and and and - when you say that stoopid thing Republicans always fucking say, then you're either paying absolutely no attention to the world around you, or this horrific thing is something you want to happen.

Greg Abbott actually said, "It could've been worse."

File that one under Daddy State Awareness, rule 3
That was not just a clumsy fucked up attempt to console anyone.
When a Republican says that, he means it as a threat.
Translation: We can - and will - make it worse if necessary, because it serves our purpose. We create the circumstances for these disasters in order to keep you in your silos - small groups isolated from (and fearful of) "the other" - one group pitted against other groups. We are the ruling minority, so we can't afford to allow you to make common cause against us.

And isn't it interesting that "conservatives" were totally in favor of blowing up town hall meetings in 2010 screaming about the bullshit Death Panels fantasies, but when Beto tries to bring a little reality to the public square - well now, that's just rude, you "sick son of a bitch".

BTW, if you think anything would change if the victims included kids of the typical coin-operated Republican, then you're living in dream world, and maybe somebody should kick you in the stomach until you snap the fuck out of it.

Even if we leave aside the fuckery of their cynical manipulations, these assholes know a good revenue opportunity when they see one. They'd simply notify the NRA that the price of their vote just went up.

Republicans are despicable people and we have to drive them out from among us.

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