Slouching Towards Oblivion

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Today's Wingnut

via Right Wing Watch, Nick Fuentes:

This is the self-parody they warned us about 30+ years ago as the Shock Jock thing was proliferating, and starting to devolve into a competition to see who could say the most disgusting thing on the air, and stay on the air.

It's less encumbered now because once they've built their audience, they don't have to worry about much. FCC rules mean nothing online, of course, and YouTube, Instagram, et al, will tolerate an awful lot before shutting them down - partly because the big platforms are operating under the same Moral Neutrality as the worst of the hate-speakers.

If it pays, it stays. The market is everything.

This particular clown may not actually hold the stupid "opinions" he spouts, but it doesn't matter. It's just business to him - it's about nothing but the views and the visits - cutting thru the clutter, and cashing in on the economies of scale. 

The problem is there are vast numbers of people who will take this shit to heart, and some who will act on it.

"The Fisher King" comes to mind.


"A Face In The Crowd"


"Talk Radio"

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