Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Jan6 Stuff

This was in my email this morning.

The Big Ripoff.

Mark Meadows
Trump cronies and goons
Trump hotels
Rally planners

  • It has to be a pretty safe bet that very little of that $250 million ever found its way into good-faith efforts to "ensure safe and fair elections"
  • Seems obvious that "Trump" and "good faith" and "safe and fair" simply don't belong in the same sentence in any context other than straight up trashing that shit heel scum-suckin' douche nozzle
  • The GOP has adopted the grift enterprise-wide, and they're using the same coded language - "election integrity"
  • How much of that money came from the usual army of rubes, and how much came from dark sources? eg: laundered Russian mob money, or Bob Mercer, or Charlie Koch  


  1. "Great Maga King Status"...makes you want to hurl doesn't it? At this point I am beyond gob-smacked at what this level of ignorance will believe. It's like they're cartoon stupid or something.

    1. It's more than a little crazy, that's for sure.
      What goes on in the meetings where they decide what to send out and how the thing should be worded? Like, "Hey - y'know they fell for that crap about a stolen election - let's see what happens if we ... blah blah blah".🤪
      Thanks for the visit, Rock. Always good to see the regulars.
