Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

They're Coming For It All

"Entitlements" are things to which we are entitled.

It's a tribute to Republican efforts over the last 40 years that they've managed to take a fairly simple concept like "this is mine - I've paid for it my entire life - I'm entitled to it", and turned it into an indictment for being greedy and undeserving, even as they've raised to the point of exultation the corporations and corporate captains - who haven't paid in - who haven't earned it - who are in fact unworthy.

But that's part of Daddy State strategy - it's what they do.

Their lying and their constant gaslighting are aimed at tearing down our self-confidence, making us think we're wrong to demand what's rightfully ours.


Don't think for a minute this isn't a rehash of their stoopid little scheme to privatize everything in sight.

They want to hand Social Security over to Wall Street, and then kill Medicare by shifting it to a voucher system, which is basically nothing more than a book of coupons for Senior Discounts at your favorite Doc-in-a-Box.

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