Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Matter Of Language

Law is all about how you say things. Whether or not someone will hold themselves to their word is a different thing.

And the problem is that no matter what someone says or promises, they can always just refuse to honor their word. 

Donald Trump has made a career out of that shit.

The rest of us (ie: normal people) are bound by a sense of honor. We get together, and we choose people we think we can trust to come up with rules that govern our behavior, and we agree to live within those rules because we're honorable people - honor is what makes civilization possible.

Anyway, Glenn Kirschner explains some of the weirdness we hear in the language of the law.

Worth noting: The Oklahoma City bombing and Jan6 were both attacks carried out by homegrown terrorists. ie: Violence in the name of political gain.

Merrick Garland put together the toolkit necessary to try and to convict and then execute the bomber, Timothy McVeigh - and put his accomplice, Terry Nichols, away for life without parole.

Merrick Garland is probably the guy we need on this. His investigation and pursuit of Trump and his gang will likely mold US policy on Domestic Terrorism for decades to come.

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