Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, July 15, 2022

Those Deleted Text Messages

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

When you get to feeling frustrated, and you wanna bitch about why the Democrats and Merrick Garland aren't doing enough fast enough - uh - don't.

Jan6 was an inside job. Some of the things being uncovered show how deep and wide this shit river was flowing.

For decades, "conservatives" have been working hard to wreck American bureaucracy. 

BTW - bureaucracy is something that's absolutely mission critical for every civilization. Roads and seaports and street lights and education and money and garbage collection and cops and water works and all the other stuff we absolutely depend on for a decent quality of life are all dependent on the maintenance of a functioning bureaucracy.
Ain't it funny how certain people of a certain political stripe have done nothing but shit on our bureaucracies - telling us over and over how we should hate bureaucrats - and now, "all of a sudden", we've begun to notice a rather precipitous decline in the aforementioned quality of life.

Come to think of it, no - it's not funny. It's not fuckin' funny at all.

Anyway, when I stop to think about just how fucked up things had gotten before Trump was elected, and then I think about the damage his gang did in the 4 years he was in office, the enormity of the task of cleaning up this mess looks pretty daunting, especially in light of ongoing GOP obstruction and general fuckery.

So I'm gonna continue being antsy and prickly and impatient - and probably more than a little vocal about it - but I'm also trying to remember what a ridiculously heavy lift I'm expecting them to do for me, so giving the Dems a lot of wagon room on this project seems pretty reasonable.

It didn't get all
fucked up yesterday
And we're not gonna get it all
un-fucked by tomorrow

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