Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Today's Beau

Justin King - Beau Of The Fifth Column

The story about the little scrap in the SUV is not the bombshell.

And the story about the story is not the fucking story.

Trump always surrounds himself with people who're less than thoroughly professional. He needs flunkies who will do what he wants done without getting specific instructions, and without getting hung up on trivialities like "is this legal?" and "is this something my mom would be proud to see me doing?".

You don't overthrow American democracy all by yourself.

We don't know what all Trump had in mind for that day. And we don't know everything that was going on with any of his lackeys either.

Was Mark Meadows sitting on the couch casually fuckin' around with his phone because he was just waiting to see how it played out? Cuz he figured on Trump triggering the kind of crisis that makes it easier for him and his gang of Freedom Caucus terrorists to hang Trump for his crimes while seizing power for themselves?

We're in this mess because we've allowed ourselves to be convinced that honor just isn't something we value anymore - it's not something we insist on having our political leaders demonstrate or even talk about.

We've put some very dishonorable people in high positions of great power, and somehow we're shocked to see them behaving dishonorably.

And what's even harder for me to watch is so many "regular Americans" who seem to be OK with it.

A nation of placid uninvolved Eloi
will come to be dominated by a government
of viciously predatory Morlocks.

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