Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, September 26, 2022

Why All The Fuss?

This aired last night on MeTV:

Not my cup of meat, but I'm not going to get any knots in my Underoos over it.

The Ed Sullivan Show was not exactly out there on the fringe - this was as mainstream as it gets in 1970 - prime time every Sunday.

Ain't nuthin' new about no drag show. 

So I have to ask why it seems there's this sudden urgent need to be alarmed. So a local fire fighter - or a shoe store clerk - or any random guy - decides he'll dress up like Barbra Streisand and read a coupla cute stories to a rapt audience of 2nd graders. So fuckin' what?

I wonder who might feel the need to manipulate people into being frightened by a form of entertainment that's been around for centuries.

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