Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Oy, Breitbart

These guys can barely tell the truth without lying. Then they use it to bash women in general, and pump up the guys.

Like - "Time to macho up, fellas. Go get the womenfolk under control. Tell 'em to get their minds right and vote the way they're supposed to."

Here's Breitbart on double spin cycle.

Exit Poll: 68% of Unmarried Women Favored Democrats in Midterm Election

Sounds pretty reasonable, right? Like they're acknowledging the facts, and telling the Republicans to get their heads outa their asses.


Sixty-eight percent of unmarried women favored Democrats in the U.S. House midterm elections compared to 31 percent who favored Republicans, according to exit poll data.

In comparison, 52 percent of
unmarried men favored Republicans over 45 percent who favored Democrats.

Overall, 59 percent of unmarried voters supported Democrats compared to 39 percent who supported Republicans, whereas 58 percent of married voters supported Republicans compared to 41 percent who supported Democrats.

For married men, 59 percent said they supported a Republican candidate compared to 39 percent who supported a Democrat, while 56 percent of married women supported a Republican candidate compared to 42 percent who supported a Democrat.

Overall, 59 percent of unmarried voters supported Democrats compared to 39 percent who supported Republicans, whereas 58 percent of married voters supported Republicans compared to 41 percent who supported Democrats.

And a coupla kickers, where they jumble up the numbers so they can pretend something that happened didn't happen at all, or maybe it happened but it doesn't mean what everybody knows it means: that the dog-ass Republicans are lyin' sacks of shit who shoulda won big but got stomped - by a buncha stupid girls and woke beta pussy-lickers.

Married men and women each made up 30 percent of the respondents (60 percent), while nonmarried women made up 23 percent of the respondents, and nonmarried men made up 16 percent.

Furthermore, 55 percent of women without children favored Democrats compared to 44 percent who favored Republicans. However, 57 percent of male voters with no children favored Republicans compared to 45 percent who preferred Democrats. Women with no children made up 39 percent of the respondents, while men with no children made up 33 percent.

Even women with children were more likely to support Democrats over Republicans by 51 percent to 47 percent, while men with children broke for Republicans over Democrats by 54 percent to 42 percent.

The exit polling data also showed that abortion was a major driver in motivating women to vote Tuesday.

Thirty-three percent of women said that abortion was their most important issue, with 77 percent of those respondents supporting Democrat candidates compared to 22 percent supporting Republican candidates. The next most important issue for women was inflation at 28 percent, followed by crime, gun policy, and immigration, which were all equal at ten percent.

So really, they're trying to get this to point everybody back to a nice comfortable place where they can believe the culture war is on their side - ie: things are better when people are married and settled, and therefor in a position that makes them more malleable and coercible: "You need to stay right there and toe the line - you can't take chances. Nice little family you got there - be a shame somethin' bad should happen to it."

Conform and be dull.

It also always ends up pointing directly at the women. Because there's always that kernel of misogyny and dominionism disguised as protective altruistic chivalry. But it's really the same old shit about "all those unmarried baby-murdering sluts who need to be taken in hand by some big strong men."

BTW: Numbers don't lie. But these assholes lie with numbers all the fuckin' time.

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