Slouching Towards Oblivion

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Today's Fuddy Duddy

... from way back in the day - when kids were getting a little pop-crazy and parents were getting a little worried about all this change that's happening so fast ... 

Which, I think, is normal. Isn't that how this shit's supposed to work?

"These kids today" always worry their parents - what with their ukuleles and their ragtime music, and their boogie woogie and their bobby socks, and their halter tops and their peace signs - it's just too much for good and sensible folks who've managed either to forget about all the weird shit they did as teenagers, or remember all too well, so they feel really bad about having been so recklessly rebellious and are now terrified that their kids might be doing some of things they did back in the day.

A little selective amnesia mixed in with a kind of self-righteous pearl-clutching (ie: "We just don't want our kids making the same mistakes we made"), makes for some pretty strange-sounding rhetoric and unnecessary conflict.

The kids are alright.

The more things change - y'know?

Australia 1964:

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