Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Today I Learned

"The lost secrets of the ancients" is kind of an all-time favorite fantasy for an awful lot of people. I can admit having been sucked into that shit back when I was maybe 20 years old, reading Von Daniken's collection of fairy tales in Chariots Of The Gods.

And while you have to be careful not to lose your sense of wonder, and the willingness to believe there may be something way bigger than anything you've been taught before, you do have to grow up, and you do have to apply a little healthy skepticism to everything people are telling you.

Because people will fool you. Because people know we all want to be fooled some of the time.

We go to 'magic shows'.

We pay 20 bucks to watch 2 hours of super heroes prancing about in their PJs doing impossible things.

We go to church.

The willing suspension of disbelief is a warm and fuzzy thing in a world of harsh realities.

It's important to stay open to new ideas. It's important-er to check things out.

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