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Apr 16, 2023

To Be Clear

(via Parler - because of course)

I realize most of us by now understand that whoever posted this wasn't just complaining about "the media".

Not that any of the clown platoon on Parler will bother to Google it, but:

So we know it's not true, but that's not the only point. There's a double- or triple- or fourple- or just plain ol' ordinary multi-whammy thing that's been going on that really is next-level shitty.

The poster is saying at least these 4 other things:
  1. Black people are just as bad
  2. White people are the real victims
  3. Change the subject - don't let it be about the guns
  4. "(((they)))" = "the Jews"
And not that anyone here is unaware of this shittiness, but it pays to reiterate.

Because we have to go on countervailing the fantasy scare-the-white-people bullshit coming from "the conservatives".

Good little liberals get tired of having to explain the same fucking thing over and over. And rightly so, BTW - you shouldn't have to plow the same ground - you shouldn't have to chew the same cabbage - don't keep pluckin' the same damned chicken (pick your aphorism and insert here). But repetition, over a long-enough timeline is how "the other side" gets the bullshit to stick.

So we have to keep applying the Mental Teflon.

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