Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, August 07, 2023

How It Reads

The indictment is a True Crime Story in four parts (hat tip = Driftglass)

1) A gang shows up at the bank examiner's office (in the middle of an audit) and they say, "The money in that bank belongs to us - tell them to hand it over."
The bank examiner tells them to fuck off.

2) The gang members dress up like bank employees and try to convince the bank manager to take their IOU, and hand over about 20% of the money so they can "count" it.
The bank manager tells them to fuck off.

3) Gang members get several meetings with the head teller and try to pressure him into delaying the audit long enough to let the gang figure out another way to steal the money.
The head teller tells them to fuck off.

4) Gang members get a crowd together at City Park, whip 'em into a rich creamy lather, and send them to ransack the bank.

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