Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

At the upper levels, "American entrepreneurship" is plain old ordinary bullshit.
  • Start with your brilliant new idea
  • Set it up as a "non-profit"
  • Get government to pitch in
  • Wire it so the tax-payer money being syphoned into your shell company is laundered and hidden, so it can be funneled into your very profitable subsidiaries
  • Buy some politicians to cement your scheme in place, basically making it illegal not to do business with you

You pay a premium every month, but when you need care that shades even slightly away from the sweet spot on your insurance company's Favorites List, they'll deny you the care you need to live your bestest healthiest life.

50 million Americans are denied care in one way or another every year.

The big insurance companies have strangled healthcare providers to the point where they can own any given "private" practice, and have taken on the doctors as hired hands - subjecting them to all the shitty labor-fucking laws that they've paid their coin-operated legislators to put in place.

Corporate Plutocracy
is not coming.
It's already here.

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