Slouching Towards Oblivion

Monday, October 30, 2023

Today's Jesus Thing

The guys who wrote the Gospels (first-hand eye witness accounts that were written only a hundred or two hundred years after the fact) - those guys knew they were spinning some big-time yarns.

They knew what the Old Testament prophesies were - eg: the messiah will enter Jerusalem on a particular sabbath riding an ass - and they said so: "We're telling you this is what happened because it fulfills the prophesy."

But the kicker - what I'm please to have realized today - (paraphrasing) "The virgin birth was God encoding himself into humanity." And suddenly something seems pretty clear:
Bible bear a striking and undeniable resemblance to Greek mythology.

God encodes himself into humanity through the virgin birth - just like Zeus takes the form of a swan so he can fuck Leda.

Everything is derivative. Everything evolves from and into something else.

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