Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Today's Trump Fuckery

Trump has told US military veterans what he thinks of them - at least a coupla times.
  • (John McCain) is not a hero - he's a hero because he was captured - I like people who weren't captured.
  • Nobody wants to see that (re: a wounded veteran in a wheel chair at a White House function)
  • They're suckers and losers (re: D-Day KIAs)
He's told them straight out that he thinks they're suckers, but somehow, it lands with them like he's the guy who'll keep them from being suckered - even as he's playing them for suckers.

Right about here, somebody always chimes in with, "Make it make sense". But thinking he's being dumb for spouting contradictions is dismissive, and that's a real problem. He's doing everything according to the authoritarian playbook.

Lying all the time, and contradicting himself from one day to the next, is a feature of the Daddy State way of doing things.

Daddy State Awareness


  • The Daddy State lies as a means of demonstrating power.
  • The lies have practically nothing to do with the subject of the lies.
  • Lying about everything is a way to condition us - to make us accept the premise that they can do anything they want.

The goal is to dictate reality to us.

What he's doing with veterans is consistent with the basic Divide-n-Conquer approach. He calls people suckers and losers with a wink-wink-nudge-nudge kinda thing, intimating that "they're the suckers, but you and I know the real score - we've been red-pilled".

They know they're not strong enough to conquer a unified country, so they split us into small groups, pitting one against the other.

We're not born with our prejudices. We learn them - they're made for us - and then they're exploited by someone who wants something. Remember that when you hear this kind of talk - somebody's going to get something out of it, and it's not going to be you.

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