Slouching Towards Oblivion

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Dogs Catching Cars

For decades, Republicans have been running election campaigns on total horseshit.

Everything from:
"here comes the rapture" and "Jesus hates fags"
- to -
"banning books isn't really censorship" and "if it's a legitimate rape ..."
- to -
"taxation is theft" and "no, actually, you don't have any rights unless we say you do - except for that 2nd amendment thing".

It goes on and on, but you get the idea. And it never stops.

They ran against government dysfunction that was either make-believe or of their own making, and now that they've succeeded in making it dysfunctional in real-life - the freaking out is what's really real.

They've been running on Chaos At The Border. But when they got practically everything they said they wanted, Trump jumped in and scrubbed the whole thing, giving away the game - again. ie: He wants the issue, not the solution.

They ran against Roe v Wade for 40 years, and then they finally got it. Now the normies and the yacht buyers are freaking out because they're staring at a major Blue backlash that could easily mean they're about to lose their sweetheart contracting deals, and their monster tax cuts that finance all the high roller lifestyle goodies they've been enjoying at the expense of real people.

The Country Club faction was happy to let them fuck around with all of that, because the conspiracy fantasies kept the rubes turning out to vote, and that kept their guys in power, which meant they didn't have to worry much about the crazies actually getting any of that shit done.

Oops. Careful what you wish for - things change.

And all of this is just too fucking obvious, but I needed to write it down. Thanks for listening.

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