#ActInTimeDEADLINETime left to limit global warming to 1.5°C YRSNaNDAYSaN:aN:aN LIFELINEWorld's energy from renewables14.758983207%

Apr 4, 2024

Joe Rogan Is A Bust

There's nobody better at playing the Both Sides Game than Joe Rogan. He's taken it to a whole new level where it's not Left vs Right, or Man vs Woman, or Light vs Dark, or any of that.

Rogan has decided to be Mr Radical Skepticism. He's saying nothing matters because it could all be bullshit, and we all die in the end, and even the universe has an expiration date, so just do whatever the fuck you please - it's like some weird, bizarre, pure form of nihilism (?)

Anyway, Ryan McBeth confirms for us what we've known for a while.

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