Jun 14, 2024

One Issue

A lot of ink is being spilled - finally - about abortion becoming a driving force among "liberal or left-leaning" voters.

Of course, all that "liberal and left-leaning" stuff is a mischaracterization when 75-80% of all Americans are Pro-Choice, but I can let that Press Poodle crap slide for a minute, and concentrate on the revelation that enormous numbers of voters are telling the polling pimps that abortion has turned them into One-Issue Voters.

I'll acknowledge that I'm among those one-issue voters on abortion. And that's been a pretty consistent thing for me since Bill Weld stood up at the GOP convention in 1992 and said it's OK to be a Pro-Choice Republican, and practically got booed out of the building.

Over the last few decades, my One-Issue-ness has been widening, to the point where I'm not going to vote for anybody who (eg) uses "entitlements" as either a derogatory term meant to imply I'm some kinda moocher because I rely on Social Security and Medicare here in my life's twilight.
(Guess what, skeezix - I worked my ass off for 50 fuckin' years for those benefits. Keep your grubby hands off my shit, or learn to live with a coupla bloody stumps)

So anyway, I'm a One-Issue Voter with quite a few one-issue items on my one-issue list:
  • Abortion
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Public Schools
  • Fair Taxation
  • Livable Wage
  • Climate Change
  • Universal Pre-K
  • Universal Healthcare Coverage
  • Guns
And I'm sure dog-ass Republicans will go on delivering more items for me to put on my list as they dig deeper into that Daddy State black hole.

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