Jun 25, 2024

Today's Ad

It's hard for me to go along with "We need the GOP". Have you seen what's been going on with those guys for the last 35 years?

I think maybe the Democrats have a major faction or two they could split off to form a new opposition party. Let's try that instead.

I do see their point - we need to get the plutocrats and the crazies and the MAGAdicks outa there - but there's a very high probability that's it too late to fix it, so my default setting still has to be:

We have to stomp on the Republican party until
there's nothing left but a greasy spot on the rug.

But yeah, if we could get a GOP that was more Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt, and a lot less Ted Cruz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, maybe I'd be a little more amenable to the idea.

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