Jul 7, 2024

About Those Commandments

I think everybody should stop for a bit, think it through, and come up with their own version of the 10 commandments.

Here's mine:
  1. Think and speak of your beliefs in your own way, and let others do the same
  2. Be true to the ideal, not just the symbol
  3. Never ask a favor of anyone who will hold you indebted to him for it
  4. Spend part of your day thinking about nothing in particular
  5. Honor those who love you unconditionally, and try to make yourself worthy of it
  6. Never kill indiscriminately, and always with respect
  7. Breaking your promise hurts you more than it does the one you made the promise to
  8. Know the difference between want and need - and always try to earn what you get
  9. Lying creates a false reality that can't be sustained
  10. Your right to decide who you are and how you live must not interfere with someone else's right to make those decisions for themselves

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