Jul 8, 2024

Trump Is Counting On You

... to believe it won't happen.

Yes, it sounds a bit hyperbolic and melodramatic, but ask yourself:
8 years ago, what did you believe wouldn't happen?
  • Muslim ban?
  • Damaging tariffs & a trade war?
  • Threatening to withholding pandemic funding for political purposes?
  • Attempting to extort Zelensky?
  • Adding $8 trillion to the national debt in one term?
  • Tax cuts aimed at benefiting the top 3%, and slashing revenue that would normally be spent on schools and infrastructure?
  • A CinC calling dead soldiers "losers and suckers"?
  • Appointing 3 SCOTUS justices who lied in their confirmation hearings?
  • Jan6?
There's a lot of shitty things Trump did - is doing, and intends to do - take your pick.

Nothing is out of the question.

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