Aug 23, 2024

Asshole MAGAts

They can't stop telling us they're assholes.

So let's put aside for the moment that Gus Walz has some neurodivergence issues - including ADHD and some kind of anxiety - that can make it hard for him to regulate his emotions, especially in public.

And all of that is beside the fucking point.

Here's the fucking point:
When did it become a bad thing for a kid to react in a big way when his dad stands up in front of god and everybody - on national TV - to tell the world that he loves his family?
How the fuck is that something to be mocked? Whether they know about Gus's challenges or not, how the fuck is that something to be mocked?

These ass-dwellers will jump on anything they see as an opportunity to get shitty with somebody.

And getting shitty with Gus Walz is further proof of who they are. Gus is "other". Mocking him - trying to humiliate him - tearing him down in order to drive him from the public square - and to "rid the body politic of contamination" - it's all consistent with the worst of fascist (ie: Nazi) doctrine.

It's disgusting and unpardonable.

We have to stomp on MAGA
until there's nothing left
but a greasy spot on the rug.

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