Aug 9, 2024

The Real Inside Job

At his "news conference" yesterday, Trump again claimed Jan6 was a peaceful protest where no one was killed.

Trump to blame for death of woman trampled in Capitol riot, family member says

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The brother-in-law of a woman killed during Wednesday's assault on the U.S. Capitol by a mob seeking to overturn President Donald Trump's election loss said he blames Trump for the riot, and has joined calls for him to be removed from office.
Rosanne Boyland, a 34-year-old resident of Kennesaw, Georgia, was one of four civilians who died in the rioting, according to Washington, DC police. A Capitol Police officer also died from injuries in the melee.

Police did not disclose the cause of Boyland's death.

However, Justin Winchell, a friend who accompanied Boyland to a Trump rally near the White House and marched with her to the Capitol, told Atlanta CBS affiliate WGCL that she was trampled to death in a massive crowd surge when protesters clashed with Capitol Police.

"I got my arm underneath her, that was pulling her out - pulling her out - and then another guy fell on top of her and another guy was just walking" over her, he said. "I mean, there was people crushed."

Boyland's brother-in-law, Justin Cave, told Atlanta media that his wife, Boyland's sister, had tried to persuade her not to attend the Trump rally in Washington.

Boyland was "passionate about her beliefs" and support of Trump, and the family was grieving for others killed and injured in the rioting, he told a local Fox television reporter.

"I've never tried to be a political person, but it's my own personal belief that the president's words incited a riot that killed four of his biggest fans last night
and I believe that we should invoke the 25th Amendment at this time," Cave said.

Roseanne Boyland

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