Aug 16, 2024

Today's Jen

Some good points here:
  1. Trump shits on veterans, first by comparing the CMH with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and then mixing that one up with the Congressional Gold Medal
  2. Then he gasses on about how CMH recipients are all fucked up physically and eww - nobody wants to see that.
  3. The kicker there is that we all know he has to elevate the Presidential Medal over everything else because only he decides that one, and nothing is allowed to be better than anything he does.
  4. And yes - he did call service members suckers and losers.
  5. He can't articulate whatever "policy" he's lying about at the moment - not even when his staff has it all written out for him.
  6. To reiterate: He don't know jack shit about jack shit.
Jen Rubin 'splains it all.

Note the overall theme here that hits on good salesmanship - which is what politics really is all about. Rubin goes after Trump - hard - and drives up his "negatives", and then segues into some very positive reinforcement for Harris. It's exactly how they teach it in the seminars.

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