Sep 3, 2024

Searchable Project 2025

ex: I asked it for Democracy, Healthcare, Medicare, and Social Security

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Project 2025 will...
  • concentrate power in the executive branch by advocating for expanding presidential power over agencies, including independent agencies, and for making it easier to fire civil servants. This could concentrate power in the executive branch and make it harder for Congress and the courts to check presidential power. [43] [825]
  • weaken independent agencies like the Federal Reserve and the FCC and propose to bring them under greater political control. This could undermine the agencies' ability to act impartially and make decisions based on expertise rather than political pressure. [731] [845]
  • make it easier for the President to fire government workers who are not political appointees. This would give the President more power over the people who work for the government and make it harder for them to do their jobs without worrying about being fired for political reasons. [80]
  • allow religious organizations to discriminate against people they don't agree with. This would violate the rights of people who are discriminated against. [586]
  • allow the government to use taxpayer money to support religious organizations. This would violate the separation of church and state. [261] [481]
  • advance a conservative agenda, including by selectively enforcing laws and prioritizing funding for certain groups. This could undermine the principle of impartial government and create a two-tiered system of justice. [545]
  • dismantle the administrative state, which, while often inefficient and bureaucratic, is also a key mechanism for implementing laws passed by Congress and protecting the public interest. Weakening these agencies could lead to less accountability and weaker enforcement of laws, particularly in areas like environmental protection, consumer safety, and worker rights. [6]

Project 2025 will...
  • reform U.S. healthcare into a free market mostly regulated by states. This means patients will need to develop more healthcare expertise, rural areas may be underserved, low-income and vulnerable populations may be underserved, sicker patients may pay more, the system may be ill-equipped to handle public health emergencies, and it could lead to an overall decline in quality and safety standards. [450]
  • reform the Affordable Care Act. This could lead to loss of coverage, reduced consumer protections and an increased financial burden for Americans. [469]
  • reduce funding for public health by splitting the CDC and reducing its funding. This could weaken the nation's ability to respond to public health emergencies and address critical health issues. [452]
  • prevent the CDC from advising that school children should be masked or vaccinated, saying such decisions should be left to parents and medical providers. This could lead to increased disease outbreaks and a resurgence of preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough. [454]
  • tax employers on workplace benefits that exceed $12,000 per worker annually. This would lead to employers cutting back on these benefits and workers paying more taxes, and would be damaging for millions of families who rely on one working adult's employer-provided health insurance to cover dependents, such as children. [697]

If this tax was enacted, we estimate that just based on health insurance benefits in 2022 alone: (1) More than 15 million workers would have seen their benefits taxed. (2) Their taxes would have risen by more than $12 billion if employers shifted away from benefits to other forms of taxable compensation. [link]

Project 2025 will...
  • eliminate the Medicare Shared Savings Program. This program helps to lower the cost of Medicare, and getting rid of it will likely mean that Medicare will cost more. [465]
  • repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. This law lowers the cost of prescription drugs for people on Medicare, and getting rid of it will likely mean that prescription drugs will cost more. [465]
  • reduce the government share in the catastrophic tier of Medicare Part D. This means that people on Medicare will have to pay more for their prescription drugs. [465]
  • repeal the drug price negotiation program in Medicare. This program lowers the cost of prescription drugs, and getting rid of it will likely mean that prescription drugs will cost more. [465]
  • restructure 340B drug subsidies toward beneficiaries rather than hospitals. This program helps hospitals provide lower-cost drugs to low-income patients, and changing it could mean that those patients will have to pay more for their medications. [465]
  • push more of the 33 million people enrolled in Original Medicare towards Medicare Advantage by making it the "default enrollment option". Medicare Advantage plans can require prior authorizations, making it harder for patients to access care, and they can restrict enrollees' choices of physicians and hospitals. [465]
Social Security
The Project 2025 document does not cover this topic. But here are relevant resources:

NBC News

The Center for American Progress

Social Security Works

House Committee on the Budget

Media Matters for America

The Hill

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