Sep 8, 2024

There's A Body Count

Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen and Lauren Southern are Kremlin stooges.

And it doesn't excuse them if they didn't know what they'd gotten into - it makes it worse. They cared about the money and the power, and it never occurred to them what harm they were doing to people they claimed to care about.

This guy's a new one for me, and I haven't dug too deep into his resumé or whatever credentials he might have, except for the fact that he produced for 60 minutes and Voice Of America, and that he's based in Kyiv now.

Seems pretty understandable that he'd be a bit biased against Putin's Russia, seeing as how it's a regime that's doing some horrendous things to people - because he's a normal human, and being biased against assholes is a healthy thing for normal humans.

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