Oct 6, 2024

Mark Cuban Explains

It has to be about honor - honorable people behaving honorably.

It sounds pretty hokie, but that's everything this democracy is based on, which makes it a very difficult thing to maintain.

Cynics - and "practical" thinkers (who are too often authoritarian assholes) - have said it's foolish to try to create a form of government that requires a change in human nature. They argue that humans are, by nature, animalistic and barbaric and savage, so it's not realistic to expect them to behave in any other way. Dog-eat-dog - only the strong survive - get yours before the other guy gets it, and take it by force when you have to.

But that denies the actual human experience of survival and progress through higher concepts like cooperation, collaboration, shared responsibilities and benefits. You know - the stuff we all teach our kids - the things that have taken humans out of the cave and put them on the moon.

The moon. Have you seen any lions or badgers or wolves on the fucking moon lately?

Anyway, here's Mark Cuban on why you never go with anyone who's proved time and again what a dick he is, which has to be a fair indication that he intends to go on being a dick forever.
so·cial con·tract
an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.

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