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Oct 14, 2024

Today's Keith

"Elite squads"?

Let's suppose Trump's henchmen are clever enough to wrangle it so all the paperwork is done ahead of time, and then they make their move to round up brown people - which could maybe help them avoid the "bad optics" of concentration camps. It's not likely, because part of the deal is to be shitty with brown people so white people can feel superior - but anyway, let's say they figure that out.

Question: Are they also clever enough to strong-arm other countries into agreeing to take all of our deportees?

They may indeed have thought about that too, and there's a greater-than-zero probability that some other countries would accept them as - oh, I dunno - slave labor? I'm sure they'll call it something that sounds more benign, like "Contract Labor", or some other bullshit term. (can you say "human trafficking? I knew you could)

Some enterprising young man will surely see the opportunity to turn a buck or two - why waste such a valuable commodity? And shucks, while we're at it, since we've off-shored a shitload of our other stuff, let's off-shore the genocide business too. Outa sight, outa mind - and our hands are clean - it's those other guys.

But not all the people we're trying to "deport" are going to be accepted by our partners.

What happens to them?

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