Slouching Towards Oblivion

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Professional Left Podcast

There is no GOP.

And there is no actual news content in your newscast.

More from driftglass

You can find Blue Gal mostly at Crooks & Liars

You have options when it comes to supporting our podcast work!

1. Give monthly to support the podcast:


2. Make a one-time donation


3. Or make checks payable to:

The Professional Left Podcast
PO Box 9133
Springfield, IL 62791

Friday, July 10, 2015

Milbank On Trump

Dana Milbank seems to be partially recovering from his long bout with the kind of wishy-washy crap that's deeply infected Chuck Todd and most of the Both-Sides-They're-All-The-Same-Yeah-But-The-Democrats bunch of weak-minded 'librul' Press Poodles.

No - I'm Not Back Yet

...I just had to post a coupla videos.

Yeah, it's Russia TV so we hafta to be maybe a touch more skeptical than usual, but I'll take a nugget of truth wherever I can find it:

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Some Changes In The Works

Sorry I've been AWOL.

Selling a house, looking for a new one, DIY moving, angsty kid troubles etc etc etc - all of the standard bullshit that goes on in just about everybody's lives.

Details are of no real consequence, and I'll try to be back at it by early August.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Today's Quote

From a listener identified only as - Raymond:

Republicans moan
Republicans bitch
The rich are too poor
And the poor are too rich

The Professional Left Podcast via Stitcher:

Show 'em some love, y'all  These two live their lives out in front of the world and while sometimes it sounds a little like an episode of Queen For A Day, they're not trying to pull anything - they're not trying to get over on anybody - they're trying to point up a few simple facts about life (as they experience it) here in USAmerica Inc when you're not the ones camped out in the Executive Suite.

In case you're not quite in the old-as-fuck demographic yet:

1. Give monthly to support the podcast: 

2. Make a one-time donation

3. Or make checks payable to:

The Professional Left Podcast
PO Box 9133
Springfield, IL 62791

Friday, June 26, 2015

Today's Quote

"Sometimes there are days like this, when that slow steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt."  --President Barack Obama
SCOTUS says all the states must recognize the marriages from all other states.

I am left to wonder tho: How come something called Marriage Equality barely squeaks by with a one-vote margin here in the land of "..all men are created EQUAL..."?

hat tip = Crooks & Liars

Today's Cheap Shot

Bristol Palin, who’s been advocating abstinence as a spokeswoman for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, announced today that she’s pregnant out of wedlock for the second time.
And she doesn’t want any lectures from you people.
OK - no lecture, but c'mon - Abstinence Only didn't even work for GOD.  

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Just Thinking

Spit-ballin' may be a better word for what I'm doing, but no matter - this is just a silly blog that's practically invisible, so I get to blather away to my little heart's content.

Here in USAmerica Inc, we have an attention span roughly equivalent to the life expectancy of a meth-addicted fruit fly, so I'd better get this one bit of "thinking" out of my head and onto the InterToobz posthaste.

On the matter of The Confederate Battle Flag, and the various monuments and statues of the heroes of The CSA etc, here's the thing:

Ya gotta figure there were plenty of Tories left in this joint in about 1783, so I'm wondering why we don't see any statues or monuments in the USA commemorating George III.  And where are all those elementary schools named after Benastre Tarleton, and Charlie Cornwallis?  

It's a wonderment.