Slouching Towards Oblivion

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Teabagger Shuffle

If Tea Party candidates believe everybody working for "The Gummint" is stupid and lazy, how come they all wanna work for the government?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Geeks Rock

Benoit Mandlebrot died last week - I think this is a fitting tribute

Thursday, October 14, 2010


More On DADT

So the nice judge in San Diego does a smack-down on DADT, and Obama does nothing.  The only thing coming from the White House is Mr Gibbs saying that DADT will end at some time - he doesn't know how or when, but it will end.  Excuse me sir, but what the fuck is all that?

The only thing I can think of is that somebody in the administration thinks there may be some kind of deal to be made here.  They think they can use the demise of DADT as leverage to get something else done(?)

It's one of the shittiest things about politics - you take an issue that should be a no-brainer and you put together a bill that addresses it, and then you start counting the votes, and since you know it's gonna pass almost no matter what, you can let some of your caucus members vote against it anyway because it's a good opportunity to pander to a certain demographic in their districts blah blah blah.

I just wonder what kind of quid pro quo is happening here.

For me, this is pretty simple.  It's about equal rights, and if you can't figure out how to lead on something as basic as that, then you need to open a shoe store or somethin' cuz you're in the wrong fuckin' business.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Almost Gone

Makes Me Wanna Holler

District Judge Virginia Phillips in San Diego has issued a ruling that says the US military has to shit-can the policy of Don't Ask Don't Tell.

I suppose now we can all look forward to the Repubs and TheoCons making lots of noise about "activist judges legislating from the bench", and we can prob'ly expect the Dems to run and hide.

Here's a tho't on what Obama and Reid and Pelosi might try:  "Judge Phillips has done exactly what a good judge is supposed to do, and she did it exactly the way the Founders envisioned it: The Judiciary is there to balance the powers of the other 2 branches.  She struck down an unjust law.  She told Government that you don't treat people that way.  She got the Government off of people's backs".

Is it really that hard?