Slouching Towards Oblivion

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Up On The Roof

The Nylons

Birth Certificate Reax

James Fallows almost gets it.
Here we have a wonderful real-world test: if "actual knowledge" mattered, the number of people who thought Obama was foreign-born would approach zero by next week -- with exceptions for illiterates, the mentally disabled, paranoid schizophrenics, etc. My guess is that the figures will barely change.
But wait just a dang minute - did he just say the Repub Base is a bunch of mentally challenged, illiterate paranoid schizoids?  I think he did.  Wow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Long Form Birth Certificate

And there it is.  So we move on to the next questions:

  • Why did they release the thing now?
  • Are they trying to hide something else?
  • Will they challenge Trump to reveal what's under that comb-over?
The only thing I can think of right now is that Obama & Company see a chance to split the opposition in a big way.  ie: peel off a big chunk of the Repub base.  They're betting that a bunch of the wingnuts will reject the evidence (and just get nuttier) and that the Repub leadership will be faced with having to choose between two or more equally bad alternatives.  

If they back away from that part of their base in any substantial way, they'll lose the Ground Support that gets their people out to vote.  But if they don't figure out how to make it look like they're pushing back towards the center, they'll lose the Moderates and Independents.  Either way, they stand to lose the 2012 elections - HUGELY.

I wonder also about where the Repubs will put all the unidentifiable money they get to spend.  I'm almost willing to bet that they'll put the emphasis on State and Local races, kinda ceding the Federal level to the Dems, with the strategy of pitting "the plucky local patriot against Big Bad Centralized Power".

As always, we'll have to wait and see, but this makes me think something important is happening.

Follow The Money

It never fails.  I don't know why we have to re-learn this particular lesson every fuckin' time.

Here's the short version:  There are hucksters here.

Whenever you start throwing large piles of dollars around, you can expect large numbers of people to show up who have recently (and suddenly) discovered they have a great passion for doing whatever it is you're spending all that cash trying to do.

Sometimes, those hucksters are perfectly well-meaning solid citizens who just kinda get caught up in the frenzy, but in the end, it's always mostly the same old story of greed, ambition and groupthink.

Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic:
Earlier this year, a reporter at a small community newspaper got the answer to a question she'd been asking for months: "Are there really 33 terrorist organizations in St. Paul, Minnesota?" That's what her county sheriff claimed in the budget reports he submitted to his superiors. According to her investigation, however, his anti-terrorism unit had been squandering taxpayer money for months on end, and getting away with it by pretending to be guardians of homeland security.
Is this man villainized in the press for his behavior? The subject of a federal inquiry by hard charging investigators? Nope. In the War on Terrorism, wasting funds in the name of security is so commonplace that the allegation isn't even surprising.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Once upon a time, this music was considered dangerous and disruptive. Now it's just nostalgic and even a bit trite.

Monday, April 25, 2011

States' Rights

Quick tho't:

Whenever you hear somebody yammerin' on about supporting State's Rights, you need to stop just long enough to understand that what he's most likely saying is that he doesn't want the Federal Gov't interfering with the State Government as it fucks over the people who live in that state.  Just so we're clear, y'know?

Some People

Why is it that people of a certain political bent seem to end up positively obsessed with the president's dick?

Jr Bush does his little jet landing stunt on the aircraft carrier, and people get all buzzed about "the presidential package":

But the truly creepy seems to be reserved for presidents of the Democrat persuasion.  Recently of course was Clinton - way too easy; the guy's a complete horndog - and now it's Obama's turn.  This time there's an interesting twist tho'.  And it's starting to sound a little too much like the weird-science shit that the Jim Crow Fan Club was fond of.  Things like "black people's brains are smaller so they couldn't possibly be expected to operate a complex machine like a P51 Mustang" or "the black man's lung capacity doesn't allow him to perform at the level of athletic competition here at the University of Alabama."   Maybe it's just a revisit of the old standby - white fear of black dick.  

I dunno, but it seems like it's popped up again in some pretty stupid sounding legislation in Arizona:
If you intend to run for president in Arizona but don't have the required birth certificate, all is not lost. The state may be willing to accept a description of your penis -- if you've got one -- as proof you were born in the U.S.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Fucking Easter

Sometimes, I need a little help remembering there are still lots of people wearing US colors who're fighting and bleeding and dying.  No matter what I think of their missions, or what I suspect about their leaders' motives, or that they're all personally responsible for their own actions, or anything else that gives me nightmares of dark heavy wings beating around all ours heads - I think it's important to concentrate on the obvious.  The simple truth is that these are people.  We trained them and armed them and sent then to places nobody wants to go.  Too many don't come home at all, and way too many are coming home with injuries we'll be having to deal with for a very long time.

Why do we insist on doing this to people we claim to love and honor?  Why do we insist on sending the best and the brightest among us to be killed in the most gruesome, horrific ways imaginable?  Why do we accept circumstances that make it nearly impossible to get any of our kids back from combat who aren't permanently damaged?

We are not threatened in any significant way.  There is no "existential risk" here - with the possible exception of the risk we pose to ourselves.

2 uniformed service members were killed in Iraq yesterday, bringing the total US Dead to 4,450 since March 2003.  When will Mr Obama keep his promise to end this stupid war?

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

RIck Perry's in a bit of a pickle.  Texas is bone dry, and to hear some tell it, about 2/3 of the joint's on fire.

Not wanting to look too much more like a raging hypocrite...
...shortly after his tea party talk about secession, Perry sought help from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in dealing with a swine flu outbreak in Texas.
...last July, when flooding hit 21 counties in the wake of Hurricane Alex, Perry also sought federal disaster aid. 
...with fires raging, he has sought federal disaster aid and federal assistance in fighting the fires. One result? As The Times reported this week: "Every heavy air tanker in the country is being deployed, ... as are four C-130s and the California-based DC-10 fire tanker."
...he's issued a proclamation calling for 3 days of prayer.  And of course, once it does actually rain somewhere in Texas - even a little - he can point at it and claim a measure of success.  All the rubes will shout amen and go right on holding themselves out as rugged individualists and mavericks and stand-alone god-fearin' patriots.

These people have no soul and no honor.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Game Of Opposites

"What you want in a media system is ostensible diversity that conceals actual uniformity."
--Joseph Goebbels